An excellent prognosis: An HIV vaccine may be available in 2021
Medical Pharmaceutical Translations • Dec 13, 2019 12:00:00 AM

Since its official identification in 1983, HIV has had a massive impact around the world, killing over 32 million people. Over the years, there have been glimmers of hope for a cure, but many of us have come to see it as a disease as unconquerable as cancer. Luckily ,that hasn’t turned out to be the case. There have been huge strides in HIV prevention and treatment.
Now, scientists have announced that there may be an HIV vaccine available as early as 2021.
The vaccine may not have a success rate of more than 50%. But if populations use prevention methods like prEP, or medical management like TasP, along with being vaccinated, we could effectively see the end of HIV.
Read on to find out about three possible vaccines that have been developed and are currently being tested among different international populations.