Why Europe can’t control its coronavirus numbers
Medical Pharmaceutical Translations • Nov 10, 2020 12:00:00 AM

An increasing number of European countries are announcing that they’re renewing lockdown measures after a surge in COVID-19 cases. But an interesting report from CNN argues that lockdowns aren’t the best strategy for containing the virus.
The report argues that European countries should concentrate instead on isolating positive cases and ensuring that patients comply. This could be enforced using electronic monitoring devices or check-in calls.
Of course, at issue here is the idea of personal freedom. But the sad fact seems to be that countries that use these more extreme measures seem to have significantly lower case numbers and transmission rates.
Additionally, the article suggests that testing needs to be done on as much as the population as possible. Of course, this is easier said than done when it comes to countries with large populations.
These suggestions are modeled after countries that have kept their cases down. But could European countries enforce them? Would they even consider them?
Read on to learn more about what seems to be the most effective model for limiting the spread of coronavirus cases, and how they could be applied in Europe.
Contact Our Writer – Alysa Salzberg